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Lynda Hopkins
Lynda Hopkins
Lynda Hopkins
Lynda Hopkins
Lynda Hopkins

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1st Website

Painting aspects of femininity and identity expresses my love for connections between objects, living or not, to ourselves. Expanding my horizons into landscapes, sometimes my thoughts look into the transience of things, asking me to question where we are going as part of material evolution Using pastels initially as this is the medium that I am comfortable with the colours being pure and yet there is also a softness which I like relating to skin, fur and the human touch. Using oils or acrylics gives the pictures more solidity which I also enjoy as the work can become more textural and "real". I initially trained in painting and over time have explored mosaic and ceramics, and for a few years, expressed my thoughts on contemporary connections with rural landscape as I live surrounded by it, producing 3D "clothed sheep". I may come back to making more given the opportunity.

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